History Of Syrian Flag
تغير العلم السوري عدة مرات خلال القرن العشرين، إلا أن ألوانه: الأبيض، الأحمر، الأسود، والأخضر لم تتغير. وكانت هذه الألوان، المعتمدة في أعلام عدة دول عربية أيضاً، هي ألوان علم الثورة العربية الكبرى عام 1916: الأبيض يرمز إلى الأمويين، والأسود إلى العباسيين والخلفاء الراشدين، والأخضر إلى الفاطميين، والأحمر إلى النضال العربي ودماء الشهداء.

The Faysal Flag is the Flag of the Arab Revolt of 1916-1918. It was adopted as the official flag of Syria by the royal Hashemite Family. It became official on September 30, 1918 and remained in-use until March 8, 1920, when Faysal was crowned as Faysal I, King of Syria

The second Faysal Flag remained in-use from March 8, 1920 until the Faysal regime was toppled on July 24, 1920, and replaced by the French Mandate. It was later adopted as the official flag of Jordan, with a slight change in color order

The first flag under the French Mandate. It was adapted by the French High Commissioner General Henri Gouraud and remained official from July 24, 1920 until September 1, 1920

The second flag under the French Mandate. It was adapted by Syrian Prime Minister Jamil al-Ulshi, who suggested inserting the French Flag into the Syrian one. It remained in-use from June 22, 1922 until 1930

The third flag under the French Mandate. It was adapted during the era of Prime Minister Taj al-Din al-Hasani, from 1930 to January 1, 1932

The fourth flag under the French Mandate. This flag survived the longest throughout Syrian history. It remained in-use from January 1, 1932 until Syria merged with Egypt to create the United Arab Republic (UAR) in 1958-1961. When union was dissolved on September 28, 1961, it was restored, only to be abrogated again when the Baath Party came to power on March 8, 1963. It survived all the upheavals in Syria of the 1940s and 1950s, remaining official for 27 years. It is called "The Flag of Independence" because it was in-use when Syria achieved independence from the Mandate on April 17, 1946

The current flag of Syria. It was adopted by President Gamal Abd al-Nasser of Egypt on February 22, 1958 and abrogated by the post-union regime of President Nazim al-Qudsi on September 28, 1961, to completely dislocate Syria from the United Arab Republic (UAR)

The first flag of the Baath Party regime, adopted by the Revolutionary Command Council (RCC) on March 8, 1963 until January 1, 1972

The first flag of the Baath Party regime, adopted by the Revolutionary Command Council (RCC) on March 8, 1963 until January 1, 1972

The new flag adopted by President Hafez al-Asad on January 1. 1972. It remained official during the Arab-Israeli War of 1973 and was abrogated on March 29, 1980

The current flag of the Syrian Republic.
President Hafez al-Asad restored the union flag of 1958-1961,
showing his commitment to Arab unity

 1 Dec 1920                State of Damascus and State of Aleppo
28 Jun 1922                Union of Syrian States



 2 Sep 1920                        Alawite Territory
 1 Jul 1922                incorporated into Syria
 1 Jan 1925                             Alawite State
       1930                             State of Latakia
 5 Dec 1936                incorporated into Syria


Jebel Druze

 1 May 1921                autonomous
 2 Dec 1936                incorporated into Syria

Sandjack D'alexandrette

 5 Sep 1938                Sanjak of Alexandretta separated from Syria as State of Hatay
23 Jul 1939                                                                      incorporated into Turkey